KABUTO Motorcycle Helmet Catalog 2024 vol.2

243(Patented no. 4311691)04Kabuto 2024 MOTORCYCLE HELMETF-17RT-33AEROBLADE-6KAMUI-ⅢSHUMARYUKIEXCEED-2Wake Stabilizer controls the disturbed flow and makes the helmet stable when you face straight forward and easier to turn around your neck. HeadWind AVAND-ⅡGEOSYSWind NeckKabuto Main Items with Wake Stabilizer PATConventional HelmetsMerit of Light Weight Helmet① Less G on the head at deceleration and acceleration and it makes the stable vision.② Easier to turn around and up and down, makes it easy to confirm safety on the road.③ Less load on riders’ neck and shoulders which leads to the less stress such as stiff shoulder.④ Less wind drag leads to a stable riding position and concentration on riding.Helmets with Wake StabilizerAcceleration GHelmet DevelopmentKabuto’s Patented System; Revolutionary Aerodynamic Device “Wake Stabilizer PAT” A.C.T. (Advanced Composite Technology)Kabuto’s patented system controls airflow around the helmet while riding and decreases the load. Years of studies and wind tunnel experiments improved our own technology.Kabuto’s original A.C.T. (Advanced Composite Technology) shell, which is the combination of hyper glass fiber, high-tensile and high-modulus organic fiber. Designed for each model and each regulation, Kabuto develops the optimal layers-and-resin combination, which results in light weight and enhanced strength. 1. Hyper glass fiber2. High-strength organic synthesis fiber3. High-strength / High-modulus organic synthesis fiber4. High-tensile organic synthesis fiber5. Hyper glass fiberRT-33seriesAEROBLADE-6seriesA.C.T. modelsGEOSYSseriesDisturbed flow occurs at the front and rear. Helmet is unstable.F-17seriesDesign with Lightness One of Priorities.Light Weight that ProvidesDeceleration G1Riders a Significant Merit.Making the helmet light weighted, leads its posing less stresses and less load on the neck and the shoulders of the rider. Kabuto always aims to realize lightweight, and accordingly designs, selects materials, pursue the aerodynamics to make a helmet as light as possible.TECHNOLOGYKabuto’s Leading-Edge Technology Delivers Benefit to Safety and ComfortKabuto never stacks its focus on developing even better products in the incessant pursuit of leading-edgetechnologies and materials, including various patented innovations.STYLE

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